Health is your priority!
Making a doctor’s appointment or getting tested is useless if you already feel OK. However, everyone faces several threats to their health. Factors such as lifestyle choices and genetics play a role in health risks. (for example, family members with diabetes, heart disease, genetic changes, cancer, and so on).
Reduce your risk of disease with ACIBADEM’s personalized medical control programs in Istanbul.
Medical surveillance is critical in the early detection of illnesses. With only 450 euro you can make a Check-up in one of the best hospitals in ASIA, and you can visit Istanbul, eat Lahmacun and Kunefe. Dr: YULET MİRAY MOLU, Check-Up, Traditional and Complementary Medicine Center in Atakent Hospital will offer more information.

What the patients need to know about Check-Up
Dr: YULET MİRAY MOLU: A Check-Up is important for routine health control for every person. It is important in the diagnosis of certain vitamin deficiencies, anemia, or asymptomatic diseases. For certain diseases, patients need to undergo blood tests or radiologic examinations for follow-up. The check-up service may be useful in this instance.
What investigations are available?
Dr: YULET MİRAY MOLU: Detailed blood tests include complete blood count, blood glucose levels, kidney and liver function tests, blood cholesterol levels, hormone levels, serological tests for hepatitis or HIV disease, vitamin and iron levels, and urine and stool tests. Radiological investigations contain a chest x-ray and an abdominal and thyroid ultrasound. Also an extra breast ultrasound or mammography should be performed if the patient is a woman.
Patients also have a physical examination in 5 different departments, including cardiology, dentistry, nutritionist, obstetrics and gynecology or urology according to sex, and one more department the patient can select.
How the patient should prepare for a full body control
Dr: YULET MİRAY MOLU: They need to come on an empty stomach with at least 6 hours of fasting for the check-up. Comfortable clothes are preferable as during cardiological examination sometimes patients may need to take a treadmill test. After blood sample extraction and radiological examinations, the patient has breakfast which is included in the check-up package.
What documents should the patient bring with them to the hospital?
Dr: YULET MİRAY MOLU: If the patient has had previous examinations, they need to bring with them for comparison and if necessary to aid in the decision for extra radiological or laboratory tests.
Are there any restrictions if you have any allergies for a check-up?
Dr: YULET MİRAY MOLU: No. Because we don’t do any tests that require medication. According to the patient’s condition sometimes we recommend extra tests. In this case, we investigate the requirement for the test.
How long does it take to complete a full check-up?
Dr: YULET MİRAY MOLU: A Check-Up begins at around 8 am and roughly lasts until 1 pm, you should not eat, for a better scan. If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, you should contact your doctor. Please do not use medicines, including vitamin C. In the last 2 days, don’t eat foods such as red meat, licorice, beets, spinach, mangold, radishes, and broccoli. For women, it is recommended that control not be done during menstruation.