Experts: “The biggest emotion that arises in the pandemic was anxiety and depression”

It passed more than a year in which as a population we have been hard tried. We have seen with our own eye’s times that only our ancestors they had to deal with them. More than half of the world’s airline pilots are no longer flying, because of the pandemic.
An international study shows that a large number feel insecure about jobs. An increased number intend to look for new opportunity this year, and many feels less appreciated by their employers. Doctor Sena Sivri, from Istanbul, Clinical Psychologist in Acibadem Fulya Hospital gave us an interview about how to heal: fear, anxiety, stress, and pandemic depression.
We may not be aware, but how much the events around us affect us subconsciously?
The pandemic has affected our lives in many ways. The risk of illness and death caused by COVID 19 virus has brought many prevention and restrictions. Beside the actual restrictions and the negative effects of the disease what we watched in the news and heard from around increased the effect on our subconscious.
Dr. Sena Sivri
What are the symptoms?
“The biggest emotion that arises in the pandemic was anxiety. In addition, social isolation, being away from work, and financial losses caused depression. Although it was different in everyone, people started to feel anxious, unhappy, bored, and depressed.”
Dr. Sena Sivri
We must take realistic measures and create a new routine for ourselves. If we are off from work for a while. “It is necessary to design a plan B.”
What should we do to pass over this event?
The feeling people are most intolerant is inhibition. We feel the feeling of frustration because the pandemic disrupts the normal routine of our lives in many ways. The priority to deal with this situation is to accept the situation. Although this may sound difficult. The first step in dealing with something is to accept it. Then we must take realistic measures and create a new routine for ourselves. If we are off from work for a while it is necessary to design a plan B. Staying in constant communication is especially important at this point.
Dr. Sena Sivri
It is very normal to get bored when you spend to much time home. We ne to spend our time efficiently, acquiring new hobbies, setting up a regular office system at home, taking care of all these will make our lives more easy. What is very important to not forget the importance of social support. Although this process has separated us from our loved ones physically, it is the period when we need socialization the most. Telephone calls, video conversations, staying in constant communication is especially important at this point.
People avoid going to psychologists, they are afraid that they will be considered crazy.
Many people do not consult a psychologist because of shame. How much help we need in this time?
People avoid going to psychologists and psychiatrists because of fear of stigmatization. They are afraid that they will be considered crazy when they ask for psychological support. Natural disasters, pandemics, individual or social traumas are the times when psychological support is the most necessary and important. With the psychological support received during these periods, coping mechanisms will develop and become stronger, and adaptation to the situation will be easier.
Dr. Sena Sivri
What should do employers, psychologically speaking, to help their people?
In this period, it is especially important to make community mental health services accessible to everyone. In this process, where everyone from employers to employees is affected financially and morally, both the professional support to be received and the social support that people will give to each other will ensure that the process is carried out much more easily.
Dr. Sena Sivri
“Breathe deeply for 20 minutes in an area with plenty of oxygen 3 times a week”.
All the changes and difficulties we have been dealing with for the past few months have had a significant impact on our overall state, including our emotional conditions. There are days when we are vulnerable to stress, when our feelings simply dominate us.

In these cases, some of us tend to unhealthy “tricks” to relieve stress, such as an unbalanced diet.
Deniz Sebzeci, doctor internist in Maslak Acibadem (Istanbul) is coming with some healthy advices for pilots and cabin crew:
Breathe deeply for 20 minutes in an area with plenty of oxygen 3 times a week. The most important points are to rest well and drink plenty of fluids. Carbohydrates and sugar should be avoided, 2-3 litre of water should be drink on a day. An average of 6 hours of sleep a day should be sleep and this must be a night’s sleep.
Dr. Deniz Sebzeci